I started crocheting at the age of 45 as a way to cope with boredom and I have been “hooked”ever since. I had been recently diagnosed with an illness and was learning to adjust to new mobilty limitations and crocheting was the perfect solution. It was a great distraction and I was excited by my new-found creativity. It was also was a great way to earn a little extra income which was wonderful given my recent disability status. I have crocheted everything from Converse sneaker slippers to a unicorn hat and character hats seem to be my specialty although I can crochet just about anything. Every year I participate in the poppy campaign for Remembrance Day where I crochet poppies and sell them in the community with 100% of the proceeds being donated to our local Legion in memory of my uncle who passed away in 2016, this is my proudest achievement thus far. I cheekily refer to myself as a happy hooker.